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Cemetery lot specially for Orang Bunian

While the Pontianak is known to attach itself to the cotton trees and now have been displaced to neighbouring trees and perhaps hiding or even living near us, there is another entity that I've came across that is also known to live amongst humans.

Orang Bunian, a fairy like being that cannot be seen by humans, lives in high mountains or deep forest. It is known that they live like villagers and according to stories my mom told me as a child, some people have married Orang Bunian. This raises a question, has these being been displaced as well? As we all know Singapore doesn't have any high mountains or deep forest.

Entrance of the cemetery
Kubur Kassim

Why is this cemetery so special to this particular blog post? Beside it's rich history that is over 90 years, it also has special lots dedicated to Orang Bunian. This is further evidence of their existence amongst us.

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"also said to live within human communities, even sharing houses with human beings, with their own royalty, clams and families"



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