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Pontianak Residence

In the oral history recordings that is imbedded below the cotton tree has been mentioned to be the place where the Pontianak resides.

Oral History recording by Mohd Amin in 1995

Cikgu wawan pon turun, cikgu wawan cakap tu pokok kabu-kabu, aku selalu jumpa kata dia.

The Pontianak is said to reside in cotton trees back in the olden days. I wonder if they still reside in the same place since there aren't as many cotton trees now as there are then. Have they been displaced? Were they forced to move when the trees were chopped off? This then raises the question of how the feel when they have to move to another tree or place? Does this increase their vengeance towards human? Perhaps that's why they tend to haunt anyone that cross their way now than the traditional way of haunting only men. Are we all in danger of getting haunted by the Pontianak now that they have been displaced?

Where are these cotton tree located now?

I was curious as where these trees are located now as it isn't normally seen along the streets or in neighbourhood areas. I found out that a big cotton tree can found inside Botanic Gardens near Tanglin Gate exit.

This really makes me wonder how did the Pontianak react to the decrease of cotton trees? Did she have to decide where to live next and does this problem make her even more vengeful than before?


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